Friday, November 21, 2008


Best to stop and donate to a good cause first!
Movember - Sponsor Me

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Charlie Brown quote...

He used to say "Good Grief" all the time.
I still want a new toy, but now that my car (wheel, to be precise) has a lovely new gouge all around it.

I'm now greiving, so I really don't think i can really go buying a new toy in this kinda mindset.

[Also: Three and Vodafone seem to have jacked up their prices today as its November, and the Aussie dollar has crapped itself lately]

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Still no deals for iPhone?

Hmm - walked around the shopping centre yesterday. Also had a very short squiz online...
Doesn't seem to be any cheaper deals or discounts on the iPhone yet.

I also saw the new HTC at a Three store in the shopping centre. Just have to wait for the other mobile networks to offer it to see what the real deals will be. I think Three have it as exclusive for a while, but I don't know how long.

Despite the credit crunch, I still want a new toy, and I am getting less fussy about what it is going to be!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hmm, so we are chatting about phones at work (as you do).
Then someone comes up with this article Apple Readies "I'm an iPhone" Ads Against Android
A  clever piece of humour (well, I found it amusing)

Hmm - so should I consider the Android or not?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Went to the apple store yesterday with a colleague of mine. He took a photo using the webcam of a macbook and posted it on his blog. I mucked around with another macbook. I am seriously thinking more about getting an iPhone. Seems that Pennytel have an app to reduce phone costs for iPhone users...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

iPhone is better?

I was talking to my brother, and he thinks the iPhone is better.
He was looking at the iPhone on an Optus plan, and thinks that might be the way to go.
I am not sure that the 3G service level issues have been resolved yet, but price is probably the main determinant at this stage.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Beepy Phone Diary

Currently, I am getting around with the O2 Atom Exec.
I have had this beepy phone diary for nearly 2 years now, and that is probably the lifespan of this device C'mon, we're talking about technology, and every geek worth his salt wants the latest and greatest toys to play with.
Anyway, a guy at work has one of the latest ones - HTC Touch Pro - he showed me on the train on the way home one night. What a nice looking phone - I've been wanting a phone that does A2DP so I could choose to listen to some music on the way home if I need to...
